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Consulting Services

Associated offers wide range of consulting services as an option for those companies who want to “do it themselves”.  Be it one question on a specific subject or “what do I need to become a motor carrier”, our experienced and knowledgeable staff would be a valuable asset to your operation.  We have assisted hundreds of carriers both freight (property) and household goods get started in Minnesota

Tariff / Rate / Rule Publications

While freight carriers no longer have a requirement to file their rates and charges with any government agency (intrastate and interstate), the legal requirement to furnish a copy of your rates, charges and rules governing these movements upon request still exists.  The rules, regulations and definitions contained in freight tariffs have been developed over time to provide clear understanding of what the carrier responsibilities are, the shippers responsibilities, the services offered and the costs for those services.  It is a good thing to have.


Household goods carriers still have the requirement of preparing and maintaining intrastate tariffs in Minnesota and filing in several other states.  The requirement to prepare and publish an interstate tariff still exists also although it is no longer filed with a government agency.  If you are a mover and do not have a tariff, you are operating illegally.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  Check with us to see what the requirements are for your operation.

Prorate (Licensing)
  • Fuel Tax Reporting:  We compile your trip sheets and fuel receipts to process your fuel and mileage tax reports and file with the appropriate state agency in a timely manner.  We will also timely file any required state mileage or weight distance reports (Kentucky, New York, Oregon, etc.).  Our service can also include monthly/quarterly/annual reports to you by unit/state.

  • Vehicle Licensing:  Our company offers the service of license application paperwork for the proper registration of your equipment, including any necessary titling of your vehicles.

  • Other services offered:  We offer expedited service in the areas of preparing and filing:

  1. Unified Carrier Registration Agreement (UCR-new or renewals)

  2. US DOT numbers (MCS-150 new and updates)

  3. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (2290-yearly for companies operating vehicles over 55,000 pounds GVW)

  4. International Fuel Tax Agreements (IFTA-new and renewals)

  5. International Registration Plan (IRP-new and renewals)

  6. New freight (property) and household goods registration/authority for both interstate and intrastate Minnesota.

Safety Compliance Services

We offer individualized programs to meet your needs in the often times complex area of federal safety regulations.  Even if you are only an intrastate carrier, Minnesota has adopted the federal safety regulations for everyone.  It is in your best interest to make sure you have “crossed all the t’s and dotted all the I’s”.  We stand ready to assist you in any or all of the following areas:

  • DOT pre-audit dealing with Driver Logs, Vehicle Inspection Reports, Driver Qualification Files, Drug and Alcohol Policies and Hazardous Material regulations (if applicable)

  • Driver and office personnel training concerning DOT compliance and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration handbook (FMCSA), including hours of service

  • Hazardous Materials training –basic and advanced

  • Accident investigation and prevention

  • Alcohol and drug policies (DOT and workplace)

  • OSHA record keeping

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